Best Three Fat Fighting Fats
When you think of a healthy diet, you think of “low fat”…right? You no doubt hear a lot about "low carb" diets and diets these days but the most widely thought of when thinking about weight loss diets is still "low fat".
Why? For the same reasons people think they can't have carbs anymore...they just aren't disciplined enough to eat the whole damn bag, or tub, or whatever contains their favorite carby goodness. This is a mistake you can't make with carbs or fat because soon we'll all be sitting down to eat grass because it's the only "safe" food left to feed an "all or nothing" mentality. Many people have fallen.
You're here to learn how fats aren't all bad and can actually be beneficial to your weight loss goals, right? Well, you're in luck because we're going to hit on my top 3 fat-fighting fats, see how well you should add them to your diet and why they're so beneficial for you. Read on folks, because we're going to have a way to get your body lean and you can start today!
1. Nuts (Almonds/Walnuts)
Nuts are great for a variety of reasons because even though they're high in fat, they can and do offer a lot of benefits! My first reason when explaining the benefits of eating nuts (preferably raw/unsalted) is their appetite-suppressing ability. My clients reading this are already thinking "of course nuts are number one on this list" because I love them for every person and every goal...unless you're allergic of course.
Nuts are my preferred snack between large meals because they are calorie dense, but it takes less to fill you up and keeps you a little fuller until your next meal. While the fat content on the label of Blue Diamond Almonds may be high, I'm here to tell you that you're not as "seedy" as you might think for adding these appetite suppressants to your diet. The benefits of nuts can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, so it's good news to know your way to quick weight loss.
2. Avocado
Avocados are another healthy fat that people have loved in the past. Avocados can be used as a substitute or addition to your favorite healthy dip recipe, which is great for making your grab-and-go or grab-because-boring options even healthier. For this reason, avocados can be overdone and you should stick to the recommended serving size (half an avocado) because it's still fat and too much good fat can become even more bad fat!
3. Coconut oil and olive oil
Last but not least... maybe last but not least are oils, coconut, and olive. The new craze seems to be coconut oil, partly because of the (bogus) bulletproof diet and this viral fat-melting video or something. Here's the thing... No, drinking coffee with coconut oil every day will not burn your fat to the point of success.
Now that we've got that out of the way, coconut oil and olive oil will lead to faster fat loss than butter or whatever else you're using when cooking with this ingredient. Both oils not only add healthy fats to your diet without you noticing, but they fight heart disease and high blood pressure, among many other things! Again these healthy fat options aren't going to melt away your sad areas overnight, but they're an easy way to jumpstart your weight loss, which will be great overall!
Honorable entry. Eggs.
When I mention eggs, the most controversial part of them is...the yolk.
We've been told forever that the cholesterol in egg yolks is terrible and should be avoided and the whites should be eaten. Like anything else, this part isn't bad for you when consumed in moderation, and it's the best part of the egg. Not only does the yolk contain some of the protein you'll read about in these guys' nutrition facts, but the overall nutrition an egg provides. "Isn't the egg yolk the worst part?" I've gotten that question countless times. And the answer is's not, it's a shell...don't eat it.
My recommendation is outside of the number of eggs you eat in general, take half of the egg yolk and the nutrition the egg provides so you can get the larger protein number/amount you want from eggs overall.
Fats are no longer bad
Well, they never were but I feel like they've received so much hate due to food trends over the years that we need to be reminded that they are (and always will be) cool. Fats are not bad for you, they are necessary and good for you and your goals! With that being said, they can be even worse when taken in large amounts at one time, which goes for anything... so keep high-fat recipes in moderation.