Proper diet plan to lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days

 Proper diet plan to lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days

 The best and the most popular diet plan is here, this diet plan works for all ages, and people have lost up to 15 pounds in a week. You must be prepared to follow through. This is a strict diet plan and requires a lot of training. If you want to work and you want to lose up to 15 pounds in a week, you need to have your mindset on getting started.

Proper diet plan to lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days

How to fix your mind? First, you have to agree on one important point. The fastest way to lose weight is not to starve.
When you're hungry, your cravings for junk food go through your roof. This can impair your diet or weight loss plan.
So, you have to choose a plan. I don't plan to do it because I'm hungry.
This is a disciplined 7-day plan, but it can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Let's get started:

 Day 1
The first day is the gateway to the diet, and this is the door you step into. So this is a very important day. Treat it accordingly.
The first day of this diet plan is all fruit day. That’s right, you always heard the fruit right.
You can eat any fruit you want and eat it at any time. Fill the berries and then some.
There are literally no limits - except one. Do not eat bananas on the first-day gm diet. Stick to fruits such as watermelon or watermelon.
At the same time, you have to drink at least 8 glasses of water. Go to 12 for full effect.
Be sure to eat only fruit on the first day. That means no grain, no meat, no dairy, and no vegetables. If you are hungry, eat more fruits and drink more water.

 Day 2
The first day of fruit sampling. All vegetables on the second day.
You want to eat vegetables, only vegetables on the second day. It is important to eat only raw or ripe vegetables.
However, one important thing to remember is that if you plan to cook these vegetables without baking, you need to cook them or steam them.
It is also necessary to maintain water use. Looking for more than 8-12 cups in 2 days. 

Proper diet plan to lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days

 Day 3
On Day 3, combine the rules from Days 1 and 2 so you only eat fruits and vegetables throughout the day. No potatoes, no bananas - fruits and vegetables are strictly available in 1 and 2 days.
Eat all fruits in the morning, afternoon vegetables, and evening fruits, or morning fruits, afternoon fruits, and evening vegetables.
Keep drinking water! At least 8-12 glasses.
Day 4
Today is the first day to change things.
On the 4th day, you should only eat bananas. That's a banana. Eat at least 8-10 bananas a day.
Also, when you are thirsty on the 4th day, it is important to drink 3 cups of milk and water. Empty milk one day.
Eat bananas whenever you are hungry. If you eat all 8-10 bananas in one day, you won't be hungry.
Day 5
Changing things back, the 5th day relates to tomatoes and rice. For lunch, eat one cup of rice and at least 6-7 tomatoes a day.
Remember - it produces a lot of uric acid in your body. Therefore, it is necessary to increase water use.
Aim 12 to 15 glasses of water in 5 days to get golden.

Proper diet plan to lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days

Day 6
For lunch again on Day 6, eat rice and mix it with vegetables throughout the day. On day 6, stick to all vegetable foods.
This is a really important day in your overall diet for water. Of course, you should drink at least 8-12 glasses of water every 6 days. If you can do it, you're almost done!

 Day 7
This is the last day! You've done it!
On the last day of the diet plan, you can eat a cup of rice for lunch. In addition, I like to follow a vegetarian diet throughout the day.
To drink, you can drink any fruit juice you want. It completely drains the digestive system and leaves the body in excellent condition.
According to the letter, if you can do this diet - lose enough weight in just one week. People reported weight loss of 15 pounds - how much did you lose?


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