Home Remedies for Vitiligo That Really Works

Home Remedies for Vitiligo That Really Works

Vitiligo is a characteristic skin disease characterized by the appearance of white patches on the skin. The exact cause of this is still unknown but experts say it is genetic and autoimmune. Medical experts have not yet found a permanent cure for this skin condition, but there are treatments available to help rejuvenate the affected skin. 

 Apart from treatments and oral therapies, certain lifestyle changes can help manage this skin disease. Eating foods rich in certain nutrients can help replenish one's nutritional deficiencies. As a result, giving these vital nutrients to the body will gradually improve the condition of the skin. If you have vitiligo, you will definitely benefit from these foods and vitamins. I will share some of them with you.

Home Remedies for Vitiligo That Really Works

The foods you should eat if you have vitiligo

1. Cereals. Whole grains are good sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Vitamin E is rich in food sources such as oats, which help build the body's defense system. Note that you ought to burn through entire grains and not handle grains. Those are two very different things. Some examples of whole-grain foods include oats, brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and whole wheat pasts.

2. Green leafy vegetables. Like cliches, vegetables are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. Yes, folks, there is always a reason our moms always force us to eat vegetables during the day. Vitiligo patients can benefit greatly from eating broccoli, cabbage, and other green leafy vegetables. These vegetables help to supply the body with the nutrients the skin needs to produce melanin. Melanin, in case you are not aware, is a natural substance that gives color to the skin.

3. Fruits. Fruits, especially fruit rich in antioxidants, help to heal the skin and protect it from damage. Some fruits with high levels of antioxidants include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and tomatoes. However, be careful as not all fruits are good for you. Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons can interfere with melanin production.

4. A healthy protein. Healthy protein sources such as nuts and soy products contain good fats that are beneficial to your skin. These foods contain high levels of Vitamin E, which helps to heal the skin and protect it from damage.

5. Folate-rich foods. Numerous studies have shown that people with vitiligo suffer from vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. You can fill this nutrient deficiency by eating folate-rich foods like spinach, asparagus, and broccoli.

Home Remedies for Vitiligo That Really Works

Home Remedies for Vitiligo That Really Works

Almost all types of diseases can be treated using natural herbal remedies. Most herbs have medicinal benefits and provide effective relief from the symptoms of various diseases. Truth be told, numerous cutting-edge prescriptions have developed from natural sources. Many simple homemade ingredients can be prepared using ingredients available in the kitchen. Natural herbal remedies are ideal because they are economical and the ingredients are readily available.

Home Remedies for Vitiligo: 

Turmeric and mustard oil

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties; Due to its health benefits, it plays an important role in Ayurvedic medicine. It boosts the body's natural immunity, preventing bacterial infections when used on wounds. Housewares made using mustard oil and turmeric are very beneficial for patients with vitiligo. The oil is anti-bacterial and helps detoxify the body.

How to use: Mix 5 teaspoons of turmeric powder with 250 ml of mustard oil. Make sure the turmeric is thoroughly mixed with the oil. Apply this mixture to the white patches on the skin twice a day. Treatment should be strictly followed for one year for the best outcome. Patches vanish and your skin is healthy. The solution is natural and safe.

Basil leaves and lemon juice

 Another useful and common kitchen item is basil leaves. It has anti-aging and antiviral properties; It has been shown to be effective in treating vitiligo and stress. Melanin production can be promoted using a mixture of basil leaves extract and lemon juice.

How to use: Mix lemon juice and basil leaves extract in a bowl. Apply the mixture onto the white patches and leave it on for a while. Use this treatment 3 or 4 times a day. You will see visible results within 5 to 6 months. The treatment has no side effects and is completely safe for patients suffering from vitiligo.

Home Remedies for Vitiligo That Really Works

Water is stored in a copper container

Vitiligo patients showed visible results after drinking water stalls in copper containers. The water used in this treatment is stored overnight in copper containers. Water should be taken every morning and within 6 months you will notice a significant difference in your skin. The treatment promotes melanin production by stimulating melanocytes in the body. It is a very safe household.

Seeds of Tamarind and Somalia:

The best spice for treating vitiligo is a psoralen. It is used in many natural home remedies and as an ingredient in formulated recipes such as PUVA. When combined with turmeric it forms an effective remedy for vitiligo. Coraline should only be administered by specialists because it can prove to be harmful.

How to use: Rinse the sorrel and turmeric seeds in water for about four days. Drain the soaked seeds and grind them into a paste. The paste should be applied on white patches for at least a month. Within a month you will notice changes in the skin, it is recommended to continue treatment after one month for better results.

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