How to Lose Belly Fat?

 How to Lose Belly Fat?

With a proper diet and regular exercise, you can protect yourself from problems as belly fat can lead to general health problems. Eliminate yourself from anything that causes you chronic stress and learn to adopt a positive and healthy lifestyle.

How to Lose Belly Fat?

If you are looking for some fat-burning foods, we suggest you check out the list of foods below. First, it is important to note that you can lose a lot of fat if you increase your metabolic rate. The good news is that there are many natural foods and drinks that can boost your metabolism and fat loss process. Without much ado, let's learn more about some of those foods.

 Fatty fish

If you have some fatty fish on a regular basis, it can work wonders for you. Some popular fatty fish include mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of inflammation and heart disease.

Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids are quite effective for losing body fat. According to a research study, adults who eat fish oil supplements emit 1.1 pounds of fat and experience a reduction in their stress hormone, cortisol.

MCT oil

Essentially, MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides) is produced by extracting MCTs from palm oil or coconut oil. You can get it online or at the nearest grocery store. This type of fat is metabolized differently than the fatty acids found in different types of foods.

MCTs can increase your metabolic rate, which helps you burn extra fat. All you need to do is add 1 or 2 tablespoons of oil to your daily diet. This will increase your metabolic rate up to 5% in 24 hours. So, you burn 120 extra calories every day.


Coffee is an ideal source of caffeine. It helps boost your mood and boost your physical and mental performance. Plus, it is a good fat burner. According to the study, people who ate caffeine 60 minutes before exercise burn 200% more fat.

Another study has found that caffeine can boost your metabolism up to 13% depending on how much you consume. Ideally, you should consume at least 100 mg of caffeine a day to get the benefits outlined.


Eggs are a natural source of energy. While egg yolks are not recommended because of their cholesterol content, most experts give their opinion on eating egg yolks. However, research shows that they can improve your heart health.

Moreover, they are a good choice for weight loss. According to many studies, an egg-based breakfast can help curb your appetite. If you have three eggs in your breakfast, you can reduce your caloric intake by 400 calories a day.

How to Lose Belly Fat?

Do you want to lose belly fat without exercising?

 It is entirely possible. It takes to have the right mindset and do what it takes to achieve your purpose. Determine how many pounds you want to lose within the first 3 months of the year and decide to work toward that goal.

It is very possible to lose belly fat without exercise but it does not come easily. However, this is what you need to do, and losing belly fat helps you feel better and attractive, which helps prevent diseases like heart disease, type diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Most of us are busy at work so there is no time for exercise. If your schedule leaves you with no free time to exercise, don't worry, make sure to follow the guidelines below to work on losing as much belly fat as possible.

Top Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercising:

1. Reduce sugar intake

Sugar makes you bold. When you want to lose belly fat, the first thing you should start to avoid is sugar. Instead of eating sugar, replace them with proteins, vegetables, and whole grains instead of eating the sugars found in processed foods.

Before taking your tea or coffee, add cinnamon powder to it, which helps reduce your belly fat by stabilizing your blood sugar level. This will leave you feeling belly full for longer.

2. Drink plenty of water

It is recommended that you have at least 8 glasses of water per day. Most of us don’t get that amount every day. You can lose belly fat when you drink plenty of water. Start by taking two cups of water before each meal, and if you do this, you will lose about 7kg in just 12 weeks.

Two cans of soda will give you 270 calories; You can save yourself from getting these extra calories by replacing your sugary drinks with water. Furthermore, water helps you stay hydrated.

3. Get enough sleep

According to research, people who sleep only 6 hours or less a day are 2 kg less than those who sleep for 8 hours. The risk of developing obesity is 27% higher when you sleep lightly.

Lack of sleep induces hunger and forces you to eat. When you have a good night's sleep, it normalizes your appetite hormones called ghrelin and leptin.

How to Lose Belly Fat?

4. Reduce stress

Stress causes you to gain weight. High-stress levels lead to high levels of cortisol. This cortisol regulates glucose levels, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. As your cortisol levels rise, it causes an increase in your belly fat. If you want to reduce belly fat, manage your stress levels.

5. Increase Vitamin C Intake

If you are suffering from too much stress, you can fight against it by increasing your vitamin C intake. It shows that vitamin C helps produce carnitine - a compound that works in a special way by converting fat into energy. The best way to get vitamin C into your body is to take vitamin C supplements.

6. Take more protein

Protein is an essential nutrient for overall weight loss. If you have enough protein, there is an increase in your metabolism. Not only that, it reduces cravings and helps increase satiety. Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that you can reduce your appetite by increasing your protein intake from 15% to 30%.

7. Eat little portions of food continuously

Don't wait until you're hungry before you eat. Instead, eat small portions between intervals. The truth is that if you wait until you are hungry before you eat, you are more likely to overeat.

You are more likely to indulge in unhealthy snacks when you are hungry. You can avoid this by eating small portions of a balanced diet between intervals throughout the day.

8. Eat unsaturated fat

Believe it or not, unsaturated fat intake can help you lose weight. If you love avocado and olive, you'll be glad to know that you have an abundance of unsaturated fat that you need to eat more when you want to lose weight.

According to new research, consuming unsaturated fat can burn more energy.

9. Eat plenty of fiber

Eating fiber is essential when you want to lose belly fat, which helps balance your blood sugar levels and prevents insulin resistance. Fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars, which reduces the chances of fat accumulation or the development of diabetes. Fiber helps to avoid constipation and eliminates food quickly.

10. Eat healthy carbohydrates

You know how it is said that carbohydrates make you fat. However, not every carbohydrate is bad. Some carbohydrates contain good vitamins and minerals for the body. When you choose your carbohydrates from whole grain fiber, brown rice, bulgar wheat, couscous, and dark bread, you can lose belly fat. Most of these carbohydrates are full of fiber which will give you a great feeling.

How to Lose Belly Fat?

11. Eat dairy foods 3 times a day

If you want to lose belly fat quickly, consume 3 servings of dairy products daily - buttermilk, yogurt, milk, and cheese. Eating these foods can help you improve digestion, boost your immunity, and even lose extra pounds. Moreover, they are known for giving a satirical feel which means you don’t have to eat them for long.

12. Take a short walk

Unless you have a busy life, stepping, or engaging in some physical activity, it's a good idea to take a short walk every day.

Walking is not an exercise. In addition, it is advisable to get some physical activity for your overall health. You can lose one pound per week when you start walking more frequently and up to 20 pounds in five months.

You can totally lose belly fat if you are willing to work towards it. It is possible. You need to know which foods you should avoid and which ones you should eat more. 

No More Diet, No More Workouts

A recent shocking study done by a group of prominent scientists in Nevada revealed ONE exotic fruit that can obliterate even the deepest stored body fat in your body

Plus, multiple studies have shown that it suppresses intense food cravings, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar… and flick a “master switch” that STOPS fat production.

Why Choose the Spike Sweat Slim Belt?

How to Lose Belly Fat?

How to Lose Belly Fat?

How to Lose Belly Fat?

The Spike sweat slim belt is made to help you burn fat FASTER.

Spike Sweat Slim Belt is made out of high-quality neoprene which increases body temperature in the abdominal area, which helps in fat loss, weight loss, and the improved burning of calories during exercise. Specially designed, to increase core temperature during workouts to provide more effective results from exercising.

1) Lose Weight Faster: Experience the next level of fitness! This easy-to-use waist trimmer retains heat in your core area, increases your sweat levels, and allows you to lose weight.

2) Increase Ab & Back Support: The compression of the trimmer provides extra support for your lower back and helps you exercise safe lifting techniques.

3) Comfortable Fit Enhancer: Spike sweat slim belt is made out of neoprene material and contoured to comfortably fit around your waist, experience sweet high flexibility, and support during your workouts.

How to wear the Spike Sweat Slim belt :

The Belt should only be worn during exercise for no more than 2-3 hrs at a time. Before you begin exercising, adjust your Belt to the desired position and wrap it comfortably around your abdomen. The belt should be worn under your clothing.

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