Successful Weight Loss Tips After 40

  Successful Weight Loss Tips  After 40

Now that you are over 40, you may have noticed that you put on more weight when you were younger and you haven't changed anything. You eat the same food and always be active. Then, how do gain weight if nothing changes?

Successful Weight Loss Tips  After 40

While outside things may not change, there are significant changes happening within your body that affect your body's energy levels and your ability to lose weight. To understand how to lose weight effectively and prevent it, you need to know how you gained weight to understand what you can do to combat it.

Causes of weight gain and how to deal with them

The most common biological changes occurring after 40 are usually weight gain. Once you realize those changes, you can develop a plan to fight them. You can also resolve any medical issues that may lead to weight gain with your doctor. For changes that are a regular part of aging, you can often make small changes in your daily life to make the scales a little more comfortable.

Slows down the metabolism

After 40, WebMD's Neil Osterwheel writes that your metabolic rate, or the amount of calories your body burns at rest begins to slow down by 5 percent per decade over the age of 40. This translates to your body burning about 100 fewer calories a day. According to Melanie Haiken, senior editor of, it may not sound like much, but 100 calories a day is equivalent to 10 pounds.

To cope with your decreased metabolism, you can increase your caloric expenditure by 100 calories per day or cut calories to achieve the same results. To lose weight, instead of maintaining your weight, increase your activity level, reduce carbohydrates, and practice portion control. Small changes can go a long way, but the changes don't happen overnight.

Muscle loss

As we get older, we become less active and our testosterone and estrogen levels decrease, reducing the amount of muscle we have. Muscles grow our metabolic rate because they burn extra calories at rest than fat. It is important to include strength training exercises to help prevent osteoporosis in your fitness routine to increase your body's naturally burning calories.
Eat a balanced diet with no sweets and plenty of vitamins and it will improve your overall health. Other metabolically stimulating foods include eggs, beans, whole grains, and lean meats, which are packed with protein and other nutrients that are essential for muscle growth.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes in our 40s can hurt our bodies. We all know that women go through menopause and experience hot flashes and mood swings, but did you know that men also undergo hormonal changes? Men over the age of 30 begin to lose testosterone, but at about 40, it is more noticeable. Symptoms include fatigue, loss of energy, depression, and reduced sexual desire.

Whether you are a man or a woman, hormonal changes cause us to have less energy and gain weight. Women, especially, should have their thyroid glands examined. A dysfunctional thyroid usually develops its ugly head after 40. About 20 percent of all adults over the age of 40 have thyroid problems, and 80 percent are women.

If you are experiencing idleness and gaining weight, ask your doctor to check your hormone levels at your next visit. Most hormonal imbalances may be progressed with the help of your doctor and might appreciably help with weight loss.

Drug side effects

Unfortunately, the use and abuse of our bodies over time can cause wear and tear on our joints and organs. Medications that treat many medical conditions come with side effects, such as fatigue and weight gain. Corticosteroids for arthritis and inflammatory diseases, as well as blood pressure medications, are notorious for causing fatigue and weight gain.

If you have any concerns about your medication, ask your doctor if changing medication is beneficial and what you can do to increase your energy levels and lose weight. Changes in your diet and increasing your exercise intake can help alleviate the side effects. In some cases, lifestyle changes may eliminate the need for specific medications. However, do not stop taking any medication without talking to your doctor first.

Small changes can mean success

Minor changes in your diet and activity levels over time can make a big difference in character. Don’t fall for a favored diet, take a healthy path and increase your physical activity level and manage your meals. If you control your portions and include healthy foods you can still eat the foods you like.

She lost 34 pounds in 90 days

Successful Weight Loss Tips  After 40

Scientists have discovered 5 hormonal “barriers” that make it practically impossible for women over 40 to lose weight. 

If you have even one of these hormonal blocks, it shuts down your naturally occurring fat loss hormones… 

And causes inches to build upon your hips, thighs, butt, and belly. 

Even if you cut out carbs and run 3 miles every day. 

On the other hand, when you get these 5 female hormones back to their normal levels… 

It ignites your metabolism and increases fat burning.

In fact, when you get these hormones working for you, instead of against you… 

You can burn up to 1 pound every 72 hours. 

For example, Sam fixed her 5 hormone blocks and lost 34 pounds in 90 days!

She lost so much weight, she had to buy a whole new wardrobe. 

Here’s how she did it:

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