Ayurvedic Approach to Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Approach to Weight Loss

Although different people have different causes for weight problems, these 5 tips address the basic lifestyle habits that affect virtually everyone. These are the 5 most powerful tips to make it easy to implement at once and bring about drastic changes in your life and health.

Ayurvedic Approach to Weight Loss

1. Eat a light evening meal with easily digestible foods.

If you are serious about doing weight loss issues, then you should continue eating big meals with heavy foods!

I cannot stress this point too much. Ayurveda describes digestion as less intense in the evening, as well as sleeping after a few hours, and slows down digestion, metabolism, and circulation. The body cannot properly integrate a large evening meal. As a result, most foods are poorly digested and eventually create toxins, fat and overweight. For the most part, most people lose weight during the day, including herbs, pills, specialty powders, beverages, and exercise.

Avoiding especially in the evening: cheese, yogurt, rich sweets, red meat, leftovers of any kind, cold foods, processed foods

Avoid or reduce evening meals: chicken, fish, sweets

Evening meals should be vegan, hot, light, and fluid. If you are overweight, the evening meal should consist of 1) cream-free soups, 2) water-baked cereals (such as rice, quinoa, couscous, barley), and 3) vegetables with steamed, fried, or extra virgin flavored olive oil. If you must have a dessert, I recommend baked fruit desserts with a little bit of organic sugar.

2. Eat large meals of the day with a wide variety of warm, cooked food.

Digestion is the time when our body digests and properly integrates large amounts of food into the fact that digestion is strong during the afternoon and that we have many active times to metabolize food before we go to bed. The afternoon meal is the most important meal of the day and a meal we have to plan and prepare.

Afternoon meals should be served with warm, cooked foods with a variety of flavors and dishes. Warm food is essential because it is more easily digested and incorporated. Cold foods suppress digestion (remember your chemistry - cold temperatures suppress chemical activity and digestion is chemistry!) The result of regular meals of cold foods is indigestion, ama (digestive molecules that clog channels), and weight gain.

Having a wide variety of foods is essential for nutrition and prevents the body from developing cravings - the downfall of many well-meaning diet plans. Dietary cravings occur only because of certain types of foods. Foods are often restricted to carbohydrates or proteins or fats, which eventually lead to malignant tissues that send appetite messages to our brain. Although we have finished eating a large amount of food, our body parts are still really malnourished and hungry. Unfortunately, when it comes to hunger, we can reach for more carbohydrate-rich and dense foods such as green vegetables and legumes soups.

A good, balanced meal can help you feel less hungry in the evening, making it easier to stick to an all-important snack evening meal.

Ayurvedic Approach to Weight Loss

3. Drink hot water frequently throughout the day

Drinking hot water throughout the day helps to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body's barriers and impurities. Hot water drinks from the digestion and the equation of food and helps to keep the body from being toxic and clogged. This is a great help in needing food cravings between meals. The only recommendation I have is that the following people have lost more than 50 pounds.

Most people can achieve hot water recommendations by getting a good thermos and having a small cup-size hot plate. You can pour your hot water into the cup, keep it warm and sip it as you work throughout the day.

The most purified and purified water is boiled water for about ten minutes. Ten minutes of boiling water reduces its weight (you can usually find fine powder in the bottom of the pan, which precipitates the water) and energizes the water. Working with your hot water dispenser over drinking water is better than drinking something, but not as effective as boiling water.

4. Avoid leftovers

According to Maharishi Ayurveda, after cooking food, keeping it in the refrigerator can seriously worsen the quality of the food and its digestibility. Even if you heat it up after you remove it from the refrigerator, it has lost its life-giving freshness.

We get more than molecules from food. We derive freshness, life force (prana), and the wisdom of nature from our food. Physics tells us that we have a classical world of molecules but a quantum mechanical world of vibration. The cooling of cooked food destroys the vibrations of deep realms that comprise nature's life force and wisdom. As a result, leftovers can easily lead to inadequate digestive waste products called "ama", leading to toxins, restrictions, excess weight gain, and many diseases.

The Conversation Principle sums up the essence of Ayurvedic dietary guidelines.

"Eat fresh food, prepare fresh"

Due to the activity of our lives and the logistics of shopping and cooking, this simple statement can be difficult to achieve but every step in this direction helps us with weight management and overall good health.

A convenient way to get a fresh meal of home-cooked, clean, healthy ingredients for lunch each day is to cook barley and lentils (a good fat-soluble ingredient) in a clay pot overnight. In the morning, add chopped vegetables and some spices fried in olive oil (try cumin, black pepper, fresh ginger root, coriander, and turmeric.) Put on a wide-mouth thermos and bring it to dinner. Add some rye crackers (Ayurveda is another fat-free grain) and fresh fruit to a well-balanced, clean and nutritious meal.

5. Get Moving!

I saw the headline "Stop Dieting and Start Moving" in the health magazine some time ago.

Exercise is almost the antidote to illness for us. It improves digestion, metabolism, elimination, complexion, body tone and strength, and bone density and helps us to normalize weight. It is emotionally positive because it is fun, enhances self-worth, and brings us more energy, freshness, and success throughout the day.

At least take the time to get out and walk every day. Evaluate your schedule and walk around whenever you squeeze them. Be careful to get opportunities to walk. It is good to walk after meals and especially after an evening meal.

Additional Tips:

Go to bed at 10:00 pm. The metabolism of waste products takes place after 10 pm and during this time is decreased by being alert and active or eating a "midnight snack".

Include fat-soluble spices for your meal, such as fresh ginger, cumin, black pepper, turmeric, and fenugreek.

Keep good snacks to keep you from eating bad snacks. Instances of good bites are new natural products, dried organic products, nuts, new pressed vegetable juices, and entire grain wafers.

Practice meditation and yoga daily to keep the mind and body in balance, and reduce mental cravings for food. 

Take a morning walk. Some form of exercise outdoors in the morning sun can have a powerful positive impact on the mind, emotions, and energy throughout the day.

Take Panchakarma treatment twice a year. Maharishi Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma (massage, heat treatments, and Ayurvedic internal cleansing treatments) done twice a year to prevent the accumulation and removal of impurities in the bodily tissues. (A recent study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine reported a 50% reduction in cancer that causes chemical PCB in the blood five days after the Maharishi resuscitation treatment, a specific program of Panchakarma.

Eat more organic extra virgin olive oil. Organic ghee is also acceptable in small doses (1-2 tbsp per day.) Or not if you are overweight and/or have high cholesterol. Avoid any non-organic vegetable oils, especially corn and soy oil. Oils are probably the right food group, as impure oils can cause many diseases if not used properly.

No More Diet, No More Workouts

A recent shocking study done by a group of prominent scientists in Nevada revealed ONE exotic fruit that can obliterate even the deepest stored body fat in your body

Plus, multiple studies have shown that it suppresses intense food cravings, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar… and flick a “master switch” that STOPS fat production.

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